Down the Rabbit Hole.
I have fallen down the rabbit hole of research. I spent some time online looking at knit ecclesiastical gloves which has prompted several questions. Some of the religious websites offer interesting information, but not necessarily what I want. 1. I found mention of knitting needles made from either whittled bone or Toledo steel, thought to be approximately less than a millimeter in diameter. Using the size 0000 needles for my funeral pillow was difficult enough. I have a hard time thinking of the knitters’ eyesight from the 16th century—especially since I was working with my glasses off (I’m badly nearsighted) and in bright light. My sympathies go out to those knitters from long ago who were working with sunlight or candlelight. 2. I haven’t been able to uncover any specific meaning yet for the patterns on the gloves. From, I found an article talking about the gloves however that gave some fascinating details. “ Most of the...