
Showing posts from September, 2024

Little moments, big impacts

 Sometimes the smallest things have unexpected consequences. At St. Eligius last November, a  A&S competitor took time away from her own display to talk to me about mine.  The spinning experiment did not come out the way I thought and she and I discussed possible reasons why.  We geeked out as fiber nerds do. Then, this lovely person showed me a new technique for spinning that I had never tried before and it blew my mind.  I still haven't quite gotten the hang of it, but I'm working on it. I couldn't tell you exactly how this interaction affected me, but it made a huge, lasting impact. When I heard that Morwenna was being elevated to the Laurel at Harper's Retreat, I knew I wanted to do something to show my appreciation. I proceed to scour through patterns until I found something I liked and then combined a couple for the look I was going for. A simple set of fingerless mitts with the Laurel leaves around the wrists, in wool. She didn't have to share her knowled