All the best ideas

Why do all the best ideas for projects happen when you're trying to fall asleep at night?  You know what I mean, when you're right on the verge of drifting off to sleep and your mind decides, "Hey, would this be a great project/fascinating idea to explore?"

I did actually get up out of bed to write down some quick thoughts so I wouldn't forget them.

In relation to the Bishop's gloves I want to make- it seems like there's a couple of different aspects I can explore with various projects.

1. Recreating the gloves using one specific example and doing a match or taking different designs from different gloves and combining them, with as close to the correct gauge as I can.

2. Working out the most common pattern of construction and doing a plain set of gloves first to show the construction steps instead of the decorations.

3. (Most crazy idea) Work on my spinning technique using a tahkli cotton spindle to see if I can spin merino fiber thin enough for a double ply strand that still meets the 26 stitches per inch gauge.  Then knit either a flat panel with some of the glove designs or a plain glove with the correct gauge.

I think the tahkli spindle would be my best bet to get the gauge of thread I would need instead of the lightweight wooden spindles, even with as thin as I already spin.

I also need to figure out which option may be my best bet for submitting to either St. Elegius (if I do it again this year) or if I want to throw my hat into the kingdom A&S competition.


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