Onto the next project

 I know that I've only talked about one set of gloves so far.  More are coming, I promise!

In the meantime, I've started my submission project for St. Eligius.

My goal is to see if I can spin fine enough to get to the same gauge as the funeral pillow and ecclesicastical gloves- 26 stitches to the inch with size 0000 needles.

To accomplish that, I'm working on the science side of Arts and Sciences.

I've got two sets each of drop spindles, one each of wood and metal (tahkli)- and each drop spindle weighs either 15 or 19 grams.

I have 3 sets of fiber: 100% merino, a 50/50 merino/silk blend, and 100% silk.

There will be a total of 6 "sets"- showing the unspun fiber, spun fiber, two strand plied yarn and a small swatch knit on size 0000.

I want to see if the type/weight of drop spindle is a factor for each type of fiber.

I've started with the 50/50 and my 19 gram tahkli drop spindle.  This fiber is lovely and is spinning up great.

There is some apprehension about spinning the 100% silk because this is something I haven't done before.  I may tackle that next and leave the 100% merino for last.


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